Dubai Expo 2020 ‘Connecting Minds’

It was very special to witness a sea of innovation and creativity at the Dubai Expo 2020. The pavilions we visited were full of young men and women, well-prepared professionally and dedicated to working on their potential to build a better future for themselves.

In Planet-Yo, we really want to pay attention to the voices of the youth around the world. Hence, we talked to many of them to listen to what they had to say about youth in their countries.

All of them were hopeful and realistic at the same time. They were willing to help and to offer their opinions. We were treated with great respect and impeccable customer service.

Thank you! It was a rewarding and inspiring experience.

Even though they came from all corners of the world, they are sharing the same drive, energy and concerns about what would be the best way to go in order to get support.

“Connecting Minds” indeed!!


Angelli from Philippines said to us: “Many young people are going through a rough time with the pandemic. Planet-yo is very timely because it is easier to open up and reach out to those that don’t know you, especially if they know what they are doing.”

Suriname pavilion: “Moksie Patu”


Tania said to us: “I am interested in Art therapy and I would like to know more. Art unites people. Each person can offer their own interpretation of the same work of art, and that makes it interesting.”

Thank you, Tania and Nerea for your time. It was nice meeting you!

Andorra pavilion: “Natural Environment, Cultural Heritage and Opportunities”


“There is not a big population of young people, many try to make it in other cities/countries. However, there is an interest in mental health for young people and to develop skills related to emotional intelligence”

Thank you, girls! You helped us a lot!


Diana Wanyonyi said: “I would be very interested in what Planet-Yo has to offer in my country!”.

Delicious coffee!

Kenya pavilion: “Hospitality & creativity”


Ketsia, a natural-born singer, who thinks that “creativity is very important for self-esteem”. In Planet-Yo, we share the same belief.

Democratic Republic of Congo pavilion: “Dynamic, creative & innovative people”


“In our country, young ones are very creative as a form of self-expression” – Chantal Hill

Thank you for the Belizean 70% dark chocolate with orange! It was really good!

Belize pavilion: “Cultural diversity”


In Sri Lanka there are a lot of support systems for young people but they are not keen in going for help. There is a stigma about mental health that needs to improve” – Hadas mini

Thank you for the delicious tea and kindness from the staff!

Sri Lanka pavilion: “A land where paradise is felt”


Kate thinks their youth “have an incredible potential; the stumbling block sometimes is the lack of opportunity to bring out what they have. The good thing about social media is that it is helping Nigerian youth to do anything in a matter of a short time.”

Nigeria pavilion: “A country with a promising future”


In El Salvador youth are creative, but it takes a lot of time to promote themselves and make it professionally”  – Yohana & Graciela

Thank you, girls! You treated us really well and the coffee was amazing! (Gracias, chicas. ¡Nos tratásteis de lujo, y el café era estupendo!)

El Salvador pavilion: “Turning dreams into reality”


Bradley mentioned that “in Cape Town, youth are suffering from peer pressure to belong to a gang and neglect from the family. There is bullying and the problem of making up rumours about others. Young ones have potential in sports, art, graffiti, and music.”

He shared his personal experience with Planet-Yo and gave us permission to publish it: “I am into sad music, emotional, you know? I was raised among drug addicts, gangsters, violence. I choose my path. I live in Dubai now. I chose to do something new and positive with my life, regardless my upbringing. Role models are important to keep having a strong mind.

Thank you, Bradley Potgieter, for your honesty and for treating all the visitors in a very friendly manner.

South Africa pavilion: “Creative and innovative thinking”


Maria thinks that “some young people would like to work on confidence”. She likes that planet-Yo promotes young people’s creativity for free, to give them a platform for their art in any form and in turn, they build up confidence.

Maldives pavilion: “Success in co-existing with the natural environment”


Allister and Desiree mentioned that “young ones in their country get inspired by nature and their creativity flows.” Planet-Yo is very happy to promote young artists from St. Kitts & Nevis.

You were both very kind and professional.

ST KITTS AND NEVIS pavilion: “Rich cultural heritage through beauty, food and music”


Dior mentioned that in Uzbekistan “young people are interested in technology and therefore it will be good to get supported to work in teams, communication skills and be ready for the job market.”

Uzbekistan pavilion: “Connecting the world with ideas, people and culture”


Melisa and Alista, two amazing performers shared with us that in their country “they speak over 800 languages”. They both listened with interest and they liked Planet-Yo project, wishing us all the best!

Papua New Guinea pavilion: “The largest biodiversity in the world”


Friends from Egypt shared with us that it would be nice to have a support system. “Future is challenging!”

Egypt pavilion: “New era of opportunities and a vision of a prosperous future for tourism, education and more”


Rigen said to us: “Young people in my country (Tunisia) need more inner peace to reduce aggressiveness

Sweden pavilion: “Building smart cities, innovating life sciences”


Zahra from Azerbaijan thinks most young people in her country are healthy practicing sports and eating well, others need help to become more focused like everyone else.

Azerbaijan pavilion: “The leaf-shaped roof symbolises an endless energy process”


Elmira said to us: “Young people are motivated to learn from the pavilion here”

Thank you for your kind hospitality!


Romualdo Lurch from Central African pavilion said: “our young people are ready for everything. We are willing to learn skills that supports us to improve

Central African Republic pavilion: “Symbiosis between humans and nature”


Ekomo Esono, from Equatorial Guinea said to us: “our youth have a lot of potential and they are very intelligent. Young people need to be supported emotionally for entrepreneurship, as the engine of a country’s development. There is a lot of capacity, but there is a lack of support for emotional intelligence skills. We are one of the most literate countries in Africa. Leisure activities distract us a little, but it is also necessary, there is nothing wrong with having a good time, but without losing our balance.”

Equatorial Guinea pavilion: “Nuestro paraíso secreto” (“our secret Paradise”)


Fer from Chile believes youth in Chile need support after the pandemic to get back to the reality of life. She also likes how places like her own university are willing to invest in providing opportunities to develop emotional intelligence for young ones, that can translate in better employability.

Chile pavilion: “An infinite universe to be discovered”


Anita said to us: “I think that it would be important to make mental health not an issue for anyone. The way you do it in Planet-Yo is fun and not uncomfortable. The idea that it must be long and intense prevents young people from looking after their mental health”

Croatia pavilion: “Some of the greatest minds”

Planet-Yo also likes…


“Change your perspective”


“I like to move it, move it”


We had a lot of fun at your tango event. The singing and dancing were just superb. Also, many thanks for the hospitality at your pavilion. We especially enjoyed the “Albariño”, it was so good!


The power of Burkina Faso.


The best mineral water we ever tasted!


Sand straight from the desert!


It was a very enjoyable show! Thank you from Planet-Yo.

Malaysia pavilion: “Energising sustainability”


Planet-Yo loves Costa Rica promoting well-being.


Nice arepas at the Colombia pavilion!


It was a pleasure to see young artist Mahra Ahmed at work at the Youth Pavilion. It was
great to experience first hand how young ones are empowered!


It was a special visit. We are looking forward to experiencing a partnership with the Ministry of Youth of Botswana.

Thank you Tebogo!!

Botswana pavilion: “A wealth of Intellectual capital & smart partnerships”


The manager of the pavilion listened to Planet-Yo with interest and kindness.

Malta pavilion: “Rising artistic communities and profound cultural impacts”





Planet-Yo likes two very thoughtful takes on life…

Number One:

Bees working: please do not disturb (Shhhh)

Number Two:

How the UEA refers to those with disabilities as ‘people of determination’, a more empowering term. We have been disliking the terms: ‘special needs’, ‘disabled’, ‘people with challenges’ for quite some time. If you feel the same, spread the word. We have many valuable ‘people of determination’ around us!

Thank you Dubai Expo 2020 “connecting minds”, we had a lot of fun!