Young Artist of the Month January

Boat Master

Fanos Avouris

Fanos Avouris is a self-taught young photographer. He was born in Limassol, Cyprus in 1991 and achieved his first Apnea Qualification in 2009. After completing his Apnea training, he started exploring underwater photography in 2013. By 2020, he had presented his work at various personal and group exhibitions in galleries, as well as open public places in his hometown and had received awards in photo competitions. From 2018, he has been presenting his work at the Limassol Boat Show, the largest boat show in the Eastern Mediterranean region. We had the pleasure of interviewing Fanos. He talked to us about his love for taking pictures in and around the sea. His beautiful pictures capture the Mediterranean Sea in all its glory! We hope you enjoy the interview!

Fano, we would like to get to know you a little bit better…

  • Where are you from and what’s your family background?

I was born in Cyprus, Limassol. My mum also comes from Cyprus, and my dad from the Greek island of Zante. I’ve always remember spending countless hours on the beach, or near the sea.

  • At what age did you realise you had a passion for photography?

I discovered my passion for photography on my late teens, after I started freediving. I had to share with the world all the beautiful scenery I was discovering down there…

  • We have seen some interesting shots of street photography in various countries, as well as underwater photography. What’s your favourite medium?

I would say underwater photography is my favourite. The colours, amazing water creatures, the light and even “shape” of the water. Everything changes in just one second. It is something very unique.

  • Where do you get most inspired?

I get inspired everywhere. In nature, out in the fields, of course by the sea, or in public places when I see people’s faces and their expressions.

  • What does photography mean to you?

Photography is for me…the way the world is “translated” in my brain.

  • Where do you exhibit your work?

I exhibit my work in Diachroniki Gallery in Nicosia (Cyprus) and in 360 Art Gallery and Exhibit 8 (Limassol, Cyprus)

  • What would you say to other young ones who are starting and have a talent for photography?

I would say they should follow their passion and talent …and never give up! You never know where it would take you…

If you’d like to follow Fanos and his beautiful art you can find him here