Stop Ignoring These 7 Inspiring Truths

Stop Ignoring These 7 Inspiring Truths

1. Any failure can be reframed as a lesson learned.

Failures in of themselves can ‘t and shouldn’t be avoided — they’re part of life’s rich, beautiful journey. What can be done is how we choose to reframe these failures in our minds and what we take away from them.

Take a step back, look at your situation objectively and identify what you’ve learned that will help you in the future. Be it through trial and error or simply misfortune, what you are experiencing is leading you to your greatest truths. Once you’ve identified these, hold on to them as life-changing lessons that will make all the difference in how you move forward.

2. You can’t give up after a bad start. Nobody likes unfinished business.

It’s easy to be discouraged after a bad start. Like a star soccer player, you might be tempted to leave one out of the game early and leave with your head between your legs. But as the cameras zoom in on the athlete’s expression, you see it: determination. There is something inside them that simply refuses to give up — and it’s this strength that we all must cultivate within ourselves if we are to reach the greatness we seek.

3. You can’t make everyone like you. Not everyone will be your biggest fan (and that’s okay).

Along the way, not everyone is going to like you, and this is part of life. It doesn’t mean that they’re right or that you need to change; it just means that this is what they need to work through. We are all on our own journey and when we bump into people, it’s because we’re both looking for something different right then.

4. Your life will pass you by if you don’t stop and look around once in a while.

It can be difficult to keep up with the fast-paced world that technology has given us. We are constantly bombarded by stimuli, especially with social media blazing out into the directions of our lives. But so often it’s the tiny details of life that matter most.

Life is an incredible gift, but one that leaves before you know it, so be sure to take a step back every now and again to appreciate it.

5. Your body deserves some respect. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

We are often so busy in our lives that we simply forget about taking care of ourselves — and this can be messy sometimes. It means eating sensibly, exercising regularly and actually treating yourself every now and again (you deserve it).

Like any kind of investment, you’re going to get the most out of it if you respect it and take care of it. You’ll thank yourself later.

6. Some people are not “your people” and that’s okay. Not everyone has to be in your life (and this is a good thing).

We are blessed with wonderful people in our lives, but at some point we often realize that certain acquaintances don’t fit as well as they once did. Maybe it’s time to let them go and move on.

7. You need to love yourself before you can expect other people to do so.

Nobody else will ever care for your heart the way that you do, so take responsibility for it. Be gentle toward yourself, forgive yourself and just know that nobody is perfect — including you.

You are the only person who truly knows how to love you, so give yourself a break and show yourself the same kind of compassion that you would anyone else.